Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Kite blowing out of control on a breeze
Who's to say where the wind will take you
Who's to know what it is will break you
I don't know where the wind will blow
Who's to know when the time has come around
Kite - U2
Light has been shed and and basically I'm a kite. High in the air without a care in the world but being pushed from all kinds of winds. Good thing about this is that it keeps me in the air but it also sends me up and down out of control. Life has just become more complicated but also more clear. Not sure it that is possible but one thing I do know is that 2 hours of exercise and friends make all the differentce in the world. No more complaints here because the possiblities are endless. Crashing to the ground means you get to experience going up again. One of the best feelings.
That's the big idea
Who's to know what it is will break you
I don't know where the wind will blow
Who's to know when the time has come around
Kite - U2
Light has been shed and and basically I'm a kite. High in the air without a care in the world but being pushed from all kinds of winds. Good thing about this is that it keeps me in the air but it also sends me up and down out of control. Life has just become more complicated but also more clear. Not sure it that is possible but one thing I do know is that 2 hours of exercise and friends make all the differentce in the world. No more complaints here because the possiblities are endless. Crashing to the ground means you get to experience going up again. One of the best feelings.
That's the big idea
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Heaven Help
This weekend has presented questions that I must admit I'm not sure where to go for help. I feel like I'm living an episode of Friends. After much thought, I decided to listen to Lenny Kravitz as my questions lay in the the romantic ideas of life that Lenny does so well. Two songs for therapy were Heaven Help and Just Can't Get You Off of My mind. Ok here is what I figured out. I'm old enought to see behind me but young enough to feel my soul. If you can't get someone out of your mind then it is good. Ok that's easy. Problem is that the one I can't get off my mind is not available and the one I can start with I already know were it ends.
So to deal with this I did whatever guys does. Turned my basement into a Bar with the pool table, tv's and flashing lights. This way maybe I will learn the do's and don'ts. Tomorrow will shed some light.
In other news...Friday (In Gravelbourg) and Saturday night were Nashville.
So to deal with this I did whatever guys does. Turned my basement into a Bar with the pool table, tv's and flashing lights. This way maybe I will learn the do's and don'ts. Tomorrow will shed some light.
In other news...Friday (In Gravelbourg) and Saturday night were Nashville.
Friday, November 26, 2004
The One That Got Away
Ever feel like there was someone who got away? Someone who is now making someone else very happy. Things never worked out and for whatever reason you just did not do anything or enough to make that person yours. It is basically a “what if question” that I’m sure haunts a few of us. For me I must admit I have this feeling when I look at old pictures or see someone from the past. You really don’t know what you got until it is gone. This reminds me of a story from a High School teacher who was had a serious crush on a girl when he was in University. Of course he never did anything about it and when it was too late he discovered he did have an opportunity except he forgot to do the most obvious thing…..ask. Yes, you see everyone has the right to ask someone for something but everyone also has the right to say no.
What brought on this topic? Well I went out after volleyball with a friend of mine. We met because our “ex’s” were friends. Must be something in the Moose Jaw water because he was supposed to get married and she called it off one week before. What’s with all this crap about guys not being able to commit? Is this covered in Sex in the City? Let’s just say there seems to be a parallel thread between his life and mine. We talked for a while about life and the whys and how comes. It all comes to one simple word. Trust. We both know that we do not want to go back to that and once trust is broken it is very hard to build it up again. I also realize that a history makes life easier. People go back to the one’s they loved since it is easy, convenient and it boils down to not being alone. All I know is that I’m not settling and neither is he. When the last card is laid on the table we were the ones that got away. Does this sound a little arrogant and maybe sour grapes….maybe….but you will not find us with low self esteem. The only thing that is uncontrollable is this….he wanted to start a family very quickly. That plan is on hold but what a better quality…I want to be a loving husband and a great father. Any single ladies interested? You should be.
Hope is the human hug and if there are guys like us out there then there a gals out there like us. It’s all about the adventure and not the destination. My formal education was great but the best education I ever received came from a women.
What brought on this topic? Well I went out after volleyball with a friend of mine. We met because our “ex’s” were friends. Must be something in the Moose Jaw water because he was supposed to get married and she called it off one week before. What’s with all this crap about guys not being able to commit? Is this covered in Sex in the City? Let’s just say there seems to be a parallel thread between his life and mine. We talked for a while about life and the whys and how comes. It all comes to one simple word. Trust. We both know that we do not want to go back to that and once trust is broken it is very hard to build it up again. I also realize that a history makes life easier. People go back to the one’s they loved since it is easy, convenient and it boils down to not being alone. All I know is that I’m not settling and neither is he. When the last card is laid on the table we were the ones that got away. Does this sound a little arrogant and maybe sour grapes….maybe….but you will not find us with low self esteem. The only thing that is uncontrollable is this….he wanted to start a family very quickly. That plan is on hold but what a better quality…I want to be a loving husband and a great father. Any single ladies interested? You should be.
Hope is the human hug and if there are guys like us out there then there a gals out there like us. It’s all about the adventure and not the destination. My formal education was great but the best education I ever received came from a women.
Monday, November 22, 2004
In Between Evolution

Sometimes in life the stars align, the sky opens up and a phenomenon enters your realm. You become stuck in that moment, that experience and that magic resulting in the world seeming balanced and discover the meaning of life. Unfortunately It Can’t be Nashville Every Night with it la la la las and its yeahs, however when it is, open up all the senses and enjoy the magnitude of a sensory overload.
Saturday I experience the Tragically Hip for the fourth time. I say experienced because as all Hip fans know each concert is a different and unique experience. No show is the same and every set list is unique.
The minute the lights went down and Vaccination Scar started to the final song Little Bones, I sang my heart out. Row 20 treated me well and Gordie and the boys did not disappoint. I can’t say there is another band that I can sing all the songs and tell you what album it is from. The Hip is one of those bands that make me a music lover and proud to be Canadian. If I could follow a band around on a tour it would be the Hip. My favorite songs by far were Bobcaygeon and a beautiful version of Wheat Kings in the middle of the prairies.
The concert was followed by a downtown adventure in Saskatoon that complemented my audio glee with visual glee. After a night like this you just know that there is a higher power in charge of play and it was in full force. Balance can be achieved, if only for a small moment in time.
Soak it up because as the song goes and it is so true it can’t be Nashville every night.
Setlist - Saskatchewan Place, Saskatoon, SK Nov. 20, 2004
Vaccination Scar
Grace, Too
My Music @ Work
Gus: The Polar Bear From Central Park
Ahead By A Century
Summer's Killing Us
As Makeshift As We Are
Gift Shop
Nautical Disaster
It Can't Be Nashville Every Night
At The Hundredth Meridian
Mean Streak
New Orleans Is Sinking
1st Encore:
Are You Ready
Wheat Kings
Twist My Arm
2nd Encore:
Heaven Is A Better Place Today
Little Bones
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Like a switch
All I can say is that when people do things or make a decision and don't really know why it usually leads to a problem down the road. However if this person is up front and honest is seems to make it better some how. Stop asking why and just do it.
formula for play:
Road Trip + Friends + Music = Maximum Playtime.
formula for play:
Road Trip + Friends + Music = Maximum Playtime.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Tragically, I'm hip
yea! the Hip in two more sleeps!
The Summer's Killing Us because there’s a Fire in the Hole and Gus: The Polar Bear from
Central Park has a Vaccination Scar
We are So Hard Done By that even the Daredevil had Grace, Too. His Little Bones seem to Twist My Arm and Cordelia is On the Verge of a Fight since it’s been a Long Time Running.
Come on Dark Canuck Stay since It Can't Be Nashville Every Night with Thompson Girls. We’re off in a Silver Jet and may have Lake Fever with My Music At Work.
Hey Poets are you 38 Years Old and Scared with Springtime in Vienna? Don’t Put it Off as it may Blow At High Dough at the Gift Shop then she’s Ahead by a Century when New Orleans is Sinking.
Are you Ready? It is a Beautiful Thing so Use It Up since It's A Good Life If You Don't Weaken. The Wheat Kings are Locked in the Trunk of a Car but She Didn’t Know Bobcaygeon has a 700 ft. Ceiling
While Looking for a Place to Happen At the Hundredth Meridian in our Eldorado, we will go Fully Completely if we have the Courage to find our Fifty-Mission Cap

The Summer's Killing Us because there’s a Fire in the Hole and Gus: The Polar Bear from
Central Park has a Vaccination Scar
We are So Hard Done By that even the Daredevil had Grace, Too. His Little Bones seem to Twist My Arm and Cordelia is On the Verge of a Fight since it’s been a Long Time Running.
Come on Dark Canuck Stay since It Can't Be Nashville Every Night with Thompson Girls. We’re off in a Silver Jet and may have Lake Fever with My Music At Work.
Hey Poets are you 38 Years Old and Scared with Springtime in Vienna? Don’t Put it Off as it may Blow At High Dough at the Gift Shop then she’s Ahead by a Century when New Orleans is Sinking.
Are you Ready? It is a Beautiful Thing so Use It Up since It's A Good Life If You Don't Weaken. The Wheat Kings are Locked in the Trunk of a Car but She Didn’t Know Bobcaygeon has a 700 ft. Ceiling
While Looking for a Place to Happen At the Hundredth Meridian in our Eldorado, we will go Fully Completely if we have the Courage to find our Fifty-Mission Cap
Monday, November 15, 2004
Very Proud
I bleed green. I have never been prouder of my team than I am right now. Sure we lost but when I think about it, I remember stumbling home from the Labour Day after our team scored 4 points and then we went on and lost to Winnipeg the next week and were 4-8. We re-grouped and made it to 54 seconds of advancing to the Grey Cup. I’m proud of the team and will be ready to cheer my heart out and bleed green again in 2005.
After my last post I had a call from a friend who I got to spend a bit of the weekend with and we went to a movie. I sure needed that but afterwards we were talking and again I had fish in the water syndrome. Ok let me explain. In my sociology classes the professor told us that the hardest thing for a fish to understand is that it lives in water. I had no idea what she was talking about but today it means more that I could imagine. It is similar to believing that you don’t know what you got until it is gone kinda idea. Anyways you really don’t know about yourself until someone else enlightens you sometimes. I have a great outlook on life and it just shows in my daily life I was told. Optimism is something that is a key part of my life but it was not always. If you are looking for the answers in life…..good luck. Life is about the journey and not the destination. There is no book, no guidelines BUT there are people out there that have lived life so make sure you realize you are not alone.
Perpetual Sunshine has re-entered the stadium.
After my last post I had a call from a friend who I got to spend a bit of the weekend with and we went to a movie. I sure needed that but afterwards we were talking and again I had fish in the water syndrome. Ok let me explain. In my sociology classes the professor told us that the hardest thing for a fish to understand is that it lives in water. I had no idea what she was talking about but today it means more that I could imagine. It is similar to believing that you don’t know what you got until it is gone kinda idea. Anyways you really don’t know about yourself until someone else enlightens you sometimes. I have a great outlook on life and it just shows in my daily life I was told. Optimism is something that is a key part of my life but it was not always. If you are looking for the answers in life…..good luck. Life is about the journey and not the destination. There is no book, no guidelines BUT there are people out there that have lived life so make sure you realize you are not alone.
Perpetual Sunshine has re-entered the stadium.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Season of missed opportunity
I had the best weekend ever.....almost....well actually elimnate today and it was awesome. Today was terrible....terrible....Thursday- Saturday was just what the doctor ordered. Good times, going out, family, friends, new furniture and even arm wrestling and bowling....then it hit the hype the excitment and then boom. Rider's lost in overtime on a error filled game to crush the hearts of the Rider Nation. It feels just like all my relationships....everything going great and then....pow.....it's over.
I don't know what to say. I'm heartbroken, crushed and right now I don't wanna talk about it.
I don't know what to say. I'm heartbroken, crushed and right now I don't wanna talk about it.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Number 4747
Monday, November 08, 2004
Locked in the trunk of a car
Well I spent the weekend in saskatoon with more training when all i needed was time at home. Great thing is I was able to see my family and then attend a hockey game just like high school days. This time I had something to show off in the shape of a finisher's medal and shirt from the Dublin Marathon.
There is a whole different world out there that I don't want to see for a while. It is the world of middle aged women with children. Wow is it possible to discuss the details of a child's life for 3 days....yes it is. Anyways just makes me appreciate my life and to enjoy it. Total freedom is a great trait but family makes the world.
The best part of the weekend that I appreciated over the radio was the win by the Riders. I am not surprised at all. I knew we were going to win and that was that. My disappointment for not having a home game is over with the big win. Riderville and the Rider Nation is in full force. I'm glad to be a proud member....win or lose! It was very interesting driving to a small town and so focused on the game. Only in Saskatchewan!
There is a whole different world out there that I don't want to see for a while. It is the world of middle aged women with children. Wow is it possible to discuss the details of a child's life for 3 days....yes it is. Anyways just makes me appreciate my life and to enjoy it. Total freedom is a great trait but family makes the world.
The best part of the weekend that I appreciated over the radio was the win by the Riders. I am not surprised at all. I knew we were going to win and that was that. My disappointment for not having a home game is over with the big win. Riderville and the Rider Nation is in full force. I'm glad to be a proud member....win or lose! It was very interesting driving to a small town and so focused on the game. Only in Saskatchewan!
Friday, November 05, 2004
Traveling Man
Ok so i need to check my schedule before I sign up for a conference 3 months before it happens and it falls into the cfl playoffs. I mean sure I will enjoy the workshop in Saskatoon and get to see my family, but I would sure love to heading to Edmonton withe Rider Nation for a game that I should be watching in Section 28 in Taylor Field. That is why sports are so great. So unpredictable and the last 2 seconds always matter. Very excited for this game...very.
I'm not done unpacking yet and I already had to pack another bag for the weekend. Haha. Finally got some physical activity in yesterday and I must admit I was not 100% yet.
Today is also the birthday of a girl who I though I would be seeing more of this winter. That is not the case but birthday greetings are always welcomed.
Write this down...I hate exboyfriends.
I'm not done unpacking yet and I already had to pack another bag for the weekend. Haha. Finally got some physical activity in yesterday and I must admit I was not 100% yet.
Today is also the birthday of a girl who I though I would be seeing more of this winter. That is not the case but birthday greetings are always welcomed.
Write this down...I hate exboyfriends.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Not sure
Well back into the swing of things at home for sure. No food, lots of laundry and a house that looks like someone was in a rush before he left. So to use my favorite new line….my house looks like a mess and by mess I mean a disaster. Back to work and back to meetings. Can’t wait for next weekend when I have four days to rest, relax and recover. I also have never been so hungry since I came back home. I’m hungry all the time.
In other news no Rider playoff game this year. How disappointing. Isn’t 16 years long enough? Oh well the Grey Cup always goes through Edmonton anyways. I had a mild heart attack at the grocery store yesterday. A friend of mine teaches with my brother in law and I saw her mom in the store. She asked me how my pregnant sister was after the accident..I’m like what are you talking about! I have no idea as I have been in Europe for the last 12 days and I talked to the family this morning! Luckily everything is going to be ok after they were rear-ender by a drunk driver.
It is November and I was not that thrilled to see all the Christmas decorations. This is going to be a much cheaper Christmas anyways.
In other news no Rider playoff game this year. How disappointing. Isn’t 16 years long enough? Oh well the Grey Cup always goes through Edmonton anyways. I had a mild heart attack at the grocery store yesterday. A friend of mine teaches with my brother in law and I saw her mom in the store. She asked me how my pregnant sister was after the accident..I’m like what are you talking about! I have no idea as I have been in Europe for the last 12 days and I talked to the family this morning! Luckily everything is going to be ok after they were rear-ender by a drunk driver.
It is November and I was not that thrilled to see all the Christmas decorations. This is going to be a much cheaper Christmas anyways.
Monday, November 01, 2004
planes, trains and automobiles
Well I made it back to Saskatchewan. Getting out of London Heathrow is much more stressfull then arriving. My 2hr and 45 minute layover in Toronto turned into me getting there as they boarded the plane. All in all sleeping on the plane makes any flight great. I don't think I have ever taken so many ways of transportation in the last 10 days....car, plane, rental car, charter bus, city bus, taxi, train, underground, lifts, escalator and lots of walking/running!
So traveling hey....a new type of playtime. We talked about an annual marathon trip somewhere. How cool would that be? Chicago, Walt Disney, Anchorage sounds good but Rome sound like the ultimate. Winter training here I come. Apparently I'm not normal in the fact that I went from a half to a full marathon in 6 weeks. I don't mind that.
Funny story with traveling. As you may or not know but Celin Dion has a new song for Air Canada...there I was in the plane and this sappy Celin song comes on with images of excitement and people traveling. It then hit me....I just ran a Marathon. I think the excitement of being in Europe at the time kinda of overshadowed that but it hit me hard due to this stupid song. I just accomplished my goal and it was not to difficult. All the training paid off and I once again really enjoyed this run. I can't tell you the feeling of running the last 6 miles and this rush about finishing. A feeling that made it all worth while. Thanks everyone and a big thanks to my favorite overseas couple and blue eyes. Dreams do come true.
So my new favorite song is by Frank Sinatra...Young at Heart...I think it fits me perfect
Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you
If youre young at heart
For its hard, you will find, to be narrow of mind
If youre young at heart
You can go to extremes with impossible schemes
You can laugh when your dreams fall apart at the seams
And life gets more exciting with each passing day
And love is either in your heart or on its way
Dont you know that its worth every treasure on earth
To be young at heart
For as rich as you are its much better by far
To be young at heart
And if you should survive to 105
Look at all youll derive out of being alive
Then here is the best part
You have a head start
If you are among the very young at heart
So traveling hey....a new type of playtime. We talked about an annual marathon trip somewhere. How cool would that be? Chicago, Walt Disney, Anchorage sounds good but Rome sound like the ultimate. Winter training here I come. Apparently I'm not normal in the fact that I went from a half to a full marathon in 6 weeks. I don't mind that.
Funny story with traveling. As you may or not know but Celin Dion has a new song for Air Canada...there I was in the plane and this sappy Celin song comes on with images of excitement and people traveling. It then hit me....I just ran a Marathon. I think the excitement of being in Europe at the time kinda of overshadowed that but it hit me hard due to this stupid song. I just accomplished my goal and it was not to difficult. All the training paid off and I once again really enjoyed this run. I can't tell you the feeling of running the last 6 miles and this rush about finishing. A feeling that made it all worth while. Thanks everyone and a big thanks to my favorite overseas couple and blue eyes. Dreams do come true.
So my new favorite song is by Frank Sinatra...Young at Heart...I think it fits me perfect
Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you
If youre young at heart
For its hard, you will find, to be narrow of mind
If youre young at heart
You can go to extremes with impossible schemes
You can laugh when your dreams fall apart at the seams
And life gets more exciting with each passing day
And love is either in your heart or on its way
Dont you know that its worth every treasure on earth
To be young at heart
For as rich as you are its much better by far
To be young at heart
And if you should survive to 105
Look at all youll derive out of being alive
Then here is the best part
You have a head start
If you are among the very young at heart