Saturday, February 26, 2005
Greed is the Colour
I’m a little steamed right now. Our QB just left us for Calgary. Sound like a Saskatchewan problem? People leaving our province for Calgary is so common. Well as far as I’m concerned see ya later Hank! Why should we pay you a million bucks over three years. What have you done for me lately? You have left us twice now. Nealon had a better record last year and I don’t see any Grey Cup ring on your finger. If you play like number one then you will be number one. There are no guarantee’s in life, correction there is the booing that will happen in Riderville all over the country. The next time we see you Nate and Scotty will have you on the turf!
This complements a low in playtime overall this weekend. First no NHL hockey and then I have to put up with the terrible coverage of the Scott Tournament of Hearts. Jez, I so badly wanted to see Colleen Jones lose and they did not cover that game? Why, because the CBC really screwed up. I mean how doesn’t show tie breaker games? Those are the best games around.
In other news, I ran 14.5 km today and what a glorious run it was. Makes me realize how love of sport wins over a contract for services everytime. There is nothing purer or more magical than that twinkle in the eye
This complements a low in playtime overall this weekend. First no NHL hockey and then I have to put up with the terrible coverage of the Scott Tournament of Hearts. Jez, I so badly wanted to see Colleen Jones lose and they did not cover that game? Why, because the CBC really screwed up. I mean how doesn’t show tie breaker games? Those are the best games around.
In other news, I ran 14.5 km today and what a glorious run it was. Makes me realize how love of sport wins over a contract for services everytime. There is nothing purer or more magical than that twinkle in the eye
Thursday, February 24, 2005
See the World all Green and Blue
After the flood all the colors came out
It was a beautiful day Don't let it get away
4 day weekend!!!
It was a beautiful day Don't let it get away
4 day weekend!!!
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Life’s Good
What a great long weekend. I have returned from the farm and it had a Christmas appeal. The reason…family. Everyone was home from the oldest to the youngest. Yes I returned to see my much bigger nephew and hangout with him before he was exposed to his only time attending a shower. Yes the baby shower was last weekend and I must admit this cultural event had me thinking about the past. I bet the bar in town before it burnt down loved baby/wedding showers. Basically all the women went to the shower and the men went to the bar. I mean think about it. We had the guys come to the house and had a few drinks but nothing like the small town bar. Such a tragic event in my life when the bar burnt down 4 months before I turned 19.
In other events of course we had the regular getting wood, eating too much, watching curling and almost getting killed by a cow. Yes I basically let my guard down for 3 seconds as I was taking a calf out of a sled and WHAM cow runs me into the wall. Glad to report no injuries but it makes for an interesting day.
I also have obtained Velvet Revolver tickets resulting in singing my lungs out to GnR and STP all the way home. Ahh like I said Life is Good.
In other events of course we had the regular getting wood, eating too much, watching curling and almost getting killed by a cow. Yes I basically let my guard down for 3 seconds as I was taking a calf out of a sled and WHAM cow runs me into the wall. Glad to report no injuries but it makes for an interesting day.
I also have obtained Velvet Revolver tickets resulting in singing my lungs out to GnR and STP all the way home. Ahh like I said Life is Good.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
No Hockey League
A dark day in playtime. What we all knew was coming finally did. The day the music died i guess. No NHL this year. My take on it is simple. Players make to much money. As an Oiler fan I watch every year my team develop players and then lose them to higher paying teams. They never play as well but they make more money. I am so sick of hearing that the playes have the most to lose because they are not getting paid this year. Waawhaa. Let me see, umm I didn't make over a million dollars last year. If they can't put food on the table after making this kinda of money then they should play goal without a mask. This is all about greed and not about hockey. If it was about hockey they would of met along time ago. The big loser are of course me the fan but really the big losers are the people who earn a regular salary that lost their job. I have no sympathy for the players who are part of the lucky sperm club and have the opporunity to play hockey everyday. Errrrr I'm just mad I guess. Basketball is driving me crazy, no football and all everyone can talk about is steriods in baseball. At least I'm glad there is no hockey instead of it turning to the baseball were 6 teams buy all the good players. Good for hockey to say no this is not going to happen. I will still be cup crazy whenever it returns. Until then.....the hockey news has been replaced with runner's world.
Monday, February 14, 2005
Love actually is all around

Happy Valentines Day everyone! I guess it makes it easier when you have a valentine waiting on your step when you get home. I have learned that napping great but napping with someone else is even better. Fantastic!
I received and e-valentine today and was checking out other greetings. They even had an e-proposal…actually three. How special is that. Too weird
I also recommend to everyone (again for those long time readers) to watch love actually. It has something to relate to everyone today….both good and sad. It has the feelings of the first kiss, confusion, lost love, loneliness and utter joy. A movie that spark all kinds of emotions in one’s life. It sure has an effect on me. The movie ends with the brilliance of Brian Wilson. It really make me appreciate all those special people in my life…..
I may not always love you
But long as there are stars above you
You never need to doubt it
I’ll make you so sure about it
God only knows what I’d be without you
If you should ever leave me
Though life would still go on believe me
The world could show nothing to me
So what good would living do me
God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows what I’d be without you
If you should ever leave me
Well life would still go on believe me
The world could show nothing to me
So what good would living do me
God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Bowl me over
Well the weekend once again had much to offer. I was sold to the highest bidder of fun! Wrong. I missed an office party for a birthday party. I hind site I should of went to the office party but they I was able to bowl (terrible i might add) and to sing karaoke (not bad i might add). First time I ever sang my buddies request instead of the girls. What can I say I like the foo fighters. I also found out all kinds of information about a co-worker that I really didn’t need to know. She was also asking a lot of information that she didn’t really need to know.
I however did have a fantastic Saturday which include lunch with my sweet then off for some much need pool practice. I also got my first run in outside in 2005. A super day and a very slow 12km. Took me over an hour and seven minutes to run and I’m not quite in race day shape but the road takes care of that. Lungs were great but there is no feeling like hitting the pavement! Work needs to be done to hit my goal of a 1:45 half this year. A chance in April but a lot of training is needed. Well I shouldn’t be that disappointed with running after a night of drinking
So my career as a chef is improving. A tender beef roast cooked to perfection with a melody of vegetable to please the pallet. Yummy…almost as good, well actually not even close, to my dining partner.
I however did have a fantastic Saturday which include lunch with my sweet then off for some much need pool practice. I also got my first run in outside in 2005. A super day and a very slow 12km. Took me over an hour and seven minutes to run and I’m not quite in race day shape but the road takes care of that. Lungs were great but there is no feeling like hitting the pavement! Work needs to be done to hit my goal of a 1:45 half this year. A chance in April but a lot of training is needed. Well I shouldn’t be that disappointed with running after a night of drinking
So my career as a chef is improving. A tender beef roast cooked to perfection with a melody of vegetable to please the pallet. Yummy…almost as good, well actually not even close, to my dining partner.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
2 months till the next big race!
New song of the moment for motivation - U2 - Where the streets have no name (very fitting for a runner). I also have another endless supply of motivation. She cannot be as easily defined.
I want to run
I want to hide
I want to tear down the walls
That hold me inside
I want to reach out
And touch the flame
Where the streets have no name
I want to feel, sunlight on my face
See that dust cloud disappear without a trace
I want to take shelter from the poison rain
Where the streets have no name
New song of the moment for motivation - U2 - Where the streets have no name (very fitting for a runner). I also have another endless supply of motivation. She cannot be as easily defined.
I want to run
I want to hide
I want to tear down the walls
That hold me inside
I want to reach out
And touch the flame
Where the streets have no name
I want to feel, sunlight on my face
See that dust cloud disappear without a trace
I want to take shelter from the poison rain
Where the streets have no name
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
It is official. I am in a huge slump in pool. I don't know what the problem is but I'm just not feeling it. Simply put a slump. I thinking and trying too hard with nothing going my way. I need to practice for fun and not worry about league night.
It can't be Nashville everynight.
It can't be Nashville everynight.
Monday, February 07, 2005
3 for 3
this weekend was a perfect 3 for 3. 3 different days with 3 different results.
I had friday off so i decided to train a little harder than normal. that was very good.
Friday was dice night with some co-workers. I managed to lose $10.25 playing a
game were quarters were bet. No luck with me this night. I also got to experience
being in high school again. Taking home the drunk girls who can't walk, fall down
and can't find their keys...only difference was instead of being 18 she was 48!
Maybe age has nothing to do with it...I'm guessing that is right.
Saturday I got to help my sweet move into the basement suite of my friends house.
This was kinda weird in the fact that it felt like the set of Friends. Unpacking,
building and doing dishes for 2 hours was on the agenda. If you though napping
was good...try napping with someone else. A big fan...and by big fan I mean it is
fantastic (blue eyes, somethings never change).
Sunday....ahhh the day of sporting events central. Woke up very happy and went
for a run. Another 10km + run which was followed by watching a hockey game.
Now the spectacle of all spectables...the super bowl was experience on a 62 inch
LCD TV. Ahhhhh big screen. Only problem is the game was very boring again. I
mean after the first half we were itching for some offence. This is not the CFL! So
out came the cards and I was introduced to No Limit Texas Hold'em. I managed to
hold my own and finally won the pot with an all in bet. I also was lucky as I
predicted the score of the game to be Pats 23 - Eagles 20. Not bad hey since the
score was 24 - 21. I guess having no luck on friday turned into luck on sunday.
I think a certain country girl had something to do with that
I had friday off so i decided to train a little harder than normal. that was very good.
Friday was dice night with some co-workers. I managed to lose $10.25 playing a
game were quarters were bet. No luck with me this night. I also got to experience
being in high school again. Taking home the drunk girls who can't walk, fall down
and can't find their keys...only difference was instead of being 18 she was 48!
Maybe age has nothing to do with it...I'm guessing that is right.
Saturday I got to help my sweet move into the basement suite of my friends house.
This was kinda weird in the fact that it felt like the set of Friends. Unpacking,
building and doing dishes for 2 hours was on the agenda. If you though napping
was good...try napping with someone else. A big fan...and by big fan I mean it is
fantastic (blue eyes, somethings never change).
Sunday....ahhh the day of sporting events central. Woke up very happy and went
for a run. Another 10km + run which was followed by watching a hockey game.
Now the spectacle of all spectables...the super bowl was experience on a 62 inch
LCD TV. Ahhhhh big screen. Only problem is the game was very boring again. I
mean after the first half we were itching for some offence. This is not the CFL! So
out came the cards and I was introduced to No Limit Texas Hold'em. I managed to
hold my own and finally won the pot with an all in bet. I also was lucky as I
predicted the score of the game to be Pats 23 - Eagles 20. Not bad hey since the
score was 24 - 21. I guess having no luck on friday turned into luck on sunday.
I think a certain country girl had something to do with that
Saturday, February 05, 2005
The Anniversary Special
Holy Cow!
One year ago I was sitting in this very spot all confused and decided to follow, not lead, and start Making Time to Play. I sure have had quite the year. My story may have not started off to good but wow was it every an interesting ride. I have really enjoyed it and I know that everyone reading has as well in some mysterious way. Well thinking back I can't say that I would have ever predicited the words written but sometimes I even seemed enjoy my playtime rambles. From weekend updates, rider games, my athletic pursuits and my life as a single guy.
Upon this one year anniversary I leave nothing but the simplest of quote that I hope everyone will do for the most important person...themselves....Simple put: have fun.
One year ago I was sitting in this very spot all confused and decided to follow, not lead, and start Making Time to Play. I sure have had quite the year. My story may have not started off to good but wow was it every an interesting ride. I have really enjoyed it and I know that everyone reading has as well in some mysterious way. Well thinking back I can't say that I would have ever predicited the words written but sometimes I even seemed enjoy my playtime rambles. From weekend updates, rider games, my athletic pursuits and my life as a single guy.
Upon this one year anniversary I leave nothing but the simplest of quote that I hope everyone will do for the most important person...themselves....Simple put: have fun.
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
A funny thing
Funny how life dictates your mood. My mood is attached to so many things...the weather, work, play and those you are hanging out with. Yesterday was a productive day, great weather and I was able to hangout with a my Zone 3 team and end up eating ice cream with my sweet. When I got home I was watching a little Muchmusic. Now I was in great mood so Sum 41 and Billy Talent's angry at the world punk music did not do it for me at all. I'm also loving new Green Day but that song did not fit my mood. Finally U2 ...All because of you made me smile. It was a year ago when I was listening to Patsy Cline and Geroge Strait.....yuck. For whatever reason when you are happy and smiling Pop music works. Ain't it funny how time slips away?