
Sunday, February 13, 2005

Bowl me over 

Well the weekend once again had much to offer. I was sold to the highest bidder of fun! Wrong. I missed an office party for a birthday party. I hind site I should of went to the office party but they I was able to bowl (terrible i might add) and to sing karaoke (not bad i might add). First time I ever sang my buddies request instead of the girls. What can I say I like the foo fighters. I also found out all kinds of information about a co-worker that I really didn’t need to know. She was also asking a lot of information that she didn’t really need to know.

I however did have a fantastic Saturday which include lunch with my sweet then off for some much need pool practice. I also got my first run in outside in 2005. A super day and a very slow 12km. Took me over an hour and seven minutes to run and I’m not quite in race day shape but the road takes care of that. Lungs were great but there is no feeling like hitting the pavement! Work needs to be done to hit my goal of a 1:45 half this year. A chance in April but a lot of training is needed. Well I shouldn’t be that disappointed with running after a night of drinking

So my career as a chef is improving. A tender beef roast cooked to perfection with a melody of vegetable to please the pallet. Yummy…almost as good, well actually not even close, to my dining partner.

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