Monday, January 31, 2005
Tonite, I've waited here for you
Friday night. Hmmm what to do what to do. Phone rings and an invite to the casino. So off I went and I did not win or lose any money but just enjoyed the games of chance. I then ran into a couple who I use to see a lot but have not seen them at all in the last few year due to…lets say…running in a different crowd. This ended up being a long conversation with a 3 year update. Wow things have changes in the past three year but things have also stayed the same. I have more happening now than before which is how it is suppose to be is it?
For the love you bring won’t me a thing unless you sing, sing, sing , sing
Well a little Travis for you. It is true though. It is hard to be unhappy when you are singing. I found this out on Saturday night. I went to a friend of mine and his garage band was in full force. He plays the drums and the rest of his out of town bandmates were in town except the singer. So everyone got a chance to sing. This was great. How did we sound…well that was in the eye of the beer holder I guess. Started off with them rocking out and then us heading downtown. This was alright except same old same old I was looking forward to heading back to rock out more after the bar was closed. I saw a few people which was fine but my dancing partner was gone for the weekend. I saw something that I never saw before at the Royale. I have seen numerous wedding parties show up at the bar but never have I seen the Bride. So still in her dress she walks in and hits the dance floor. Ok what does this tell you about the wedding if the Bride leaves for the bar. Can’t say that is on my list of things to do on the day of a wedding. Ok lets see….get dressed, get married, reception then…head to the bar. What made is weirder is that I never saw the groom.
Sunday turned out great. A day of relaxing and doing what ever I wanted followed by a visit from a sweaty basketball player. This made my weekend complete.
Speaking of sweaty, was I ever a mess after a 10km run on the treadmill. Felt fantastic running but is it ever boring.
It is official ...........I have cabin fever.
For the love you bring won’t me a thing unless you sing, sing, sing , sing
Well a little Travis for you. It is true though. It is hard to be unhappy when you are singing. I found this out on Saturday night. I went to a friend of mine and his garage band was in full force. He plays the drums and the rest of his out of town bandmates were in town except the singer. So everyone got a chance to sing. This was great. How did we sound…well that was in the eye of the beer holder I guess. Started off with them rocking out and then us heading downtown. This was alright except same old same old I was looking forward to heading back to rock out more after the bar was closed. I saw a few people which was fine but my dancing partner was gone for the weekend. I saw something that I never saw before at the Royale. I have seen numerous wedding parties show up at the bar but never have I seen the Bride. So still in her dress she walks in and hits the dance floor. Ok what does this tell you about the wedding if the Bride leaves for the bar. Can’t say that is on my list of things to do on the day of a wedding. Ok lets see….get dressed, get married, reception then…head to the bar. What made is weirder is that I never saw the groom.
Sunday turned out great. A day of relaxing and doing what ever I wanted followed by a visit from a sweaty basketball player. This made my weekend complete.
Speaking of sweaty, was I ever a mess after a 10km run on the treadmill. Felt fantastic running but is it ever boring.
It is official ...........I have cabin fever.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
here is how it is
Ok in completely unrelated news, I starting to enjoy cooking again. Reason, I have
someone to cook for. Cooking for one is a)boring when you eat with the TV b) a big
mess to clean up for just yourself and c)not an occasion to open up the wine. This
all changes when you have the company of a special some to go to all the effort.
It is warming up around here and my addiction to exercise is growing. Our small
group is growing. Our social function includes exercise first...then wings and beer. Works for me. So looking forward to the first race in April.
Finally I want to rant a bit. I'm getting really mad about all this talk about same sex marriages. I mean that is all we are hearing about. Let them get married. They should have all the right to have the same happiness or misery as everyone else. Ok let me ask you many people have lost their jobs over same sex marriages. Ummm none. I understand why this is a hot topic but we need to focus on what is more important. We have lost billions of dollars over the Mad Cow Crisis and Paul Martin goes over to China which is a major trade partner and beef consumer and we talk about same sex marriages. Makes me upset. I still cannot figure out why we need to talk about it now might have to vote on it. Only in Canada (God love us) is were we need to set rules and regulation but don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. We have bigger problems to talk about other than same sex marriage. I guess this is what happens when we have no hockey. Think about it there must be a correlation there.
Well I have to cook supper so I will let the pot do the rest of the boiling
someone to cook for. Cooking for one is a)boring when you eat with the TV b) a big
mess to clean up for just yourself and c)not an occasion to open up the wine. This
all changes when you have the company of a special some to go to all the effort.
It is warming up around here and my addiction to exercise is growing. Our small
group is growing. Our social function includes exercise first...then wings and beer. Works for me. So looking forward to the first race in April.
Finally I want to rant a bit. I'm getting really mad about all this talk about same sex marriages. I mean that is all we are hearing about. Let them get married. They should have all the right to have the same happiness or misery as everyone else. Ok let me ask you many people have lost their jobs over same sex marriages. Ummm none. I understand why this is a hot topic but we need to focus on what is more important. We have lost billions of dollars over the Mad Cow Crisis and Paul Martin goes over to China which is a major trade partner and beef consumer and we talk about same sex marriages. Makes me upset. I still cannot figure out why we need to talk about it now might have to vote on it. Only in Canada (God love us) is were we need to set rules and regulation but don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. We have bigger problems to talk about other than same sex marriage. I guess this is what happens when we have no hockey. Think about it there must be a correlation there.
Well I have to cook supper so I will let the pot do the rest of the boiling
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
I Scream
Last night was so simple but great. I was listening to 80's music which triggered all kinds of memories, talked to a friend who had cabin fever and was feeling lonely and I got to have ice cream. Actually my sweet brought over Ice Cream as a suprise and my what a nice suprise it was.
Yup life is all about effort and the element of suprise.
Yup life is all about effort and the element of suprise.
Monday, January 24, 2005
Ode to a Saskatchewan Winter
What a wirlwind weekend. I mean that in a whole bunch of ways. I think I can
define what it means to live in Saskatchewan by this weekend. We can define
ourselves by how we react to each other and how we continue to succeed with the
weather outside. Since the weather outside this weekend was oohh so frightful.
I took Friday afternoon of to watch a little curling in Weyburn (that is right...rural
Saskatchewan's #1 sport). Back to Weyburn were nothing has changed since the
summer. The real challenge was getting there. Umm zero visibility is pretty scary
on the highway with semi's behind you and car blowing past you. 40 km on the
highway but I made it to watch a cutie curl in the afternoon. They lost and played at
8:00 am on Saturday. This meant that I have been up at 7:00 am the last 3
Saturdays. Not complaining because it has been fun doing it but still...7:00 am on
Saturday morning. It was a little different just sitting back and being a fan. A big fan
of women's curling. Something I'm not always use to as I'm either playing or
organizing something. Once again I really enjoyed being in Weyburn with a very
different group this time.
So Saturday I drove to Assiniboia from Weyburn for another Speak Out session.
This again was faced with driving very slow on very icy roads. I was trying to decide
if I should just drive home or keep going. Keep going was the best plan as I was
driving out of a storm and not into one. I must say this was the best class I have
had and once again I really enjoyed it.
So yeah...winter storm, curling, hockey, bad winter roads and keeping warm with
those you care about. How typically Saskatchewan can you get. As tacky as our
centennial slogan is true that the world can use a little more Saskatchewan.
Ok I'll get off my soapbox now....what can I say I'm happy and feel like
define what it means to live in Saskatchewan by this weekend. We can define
ourselves by how we react to each other and how we continue to succeed with the
weather outside. Since the weather outside this weekend was oohh so frightful.
I took Friday afternoon of to watch a little curling in Weyburn (that is right...rural
Saskatchewan's #1 sport). Back to Weyburn were nothing has changed since the
summer. The real challenge was getting there. Umm zero visibility is pretty scary
on the highway with semi's behind you and car blowing past you. 40 km on the
highway but I made it to watch a cutie curl in the afternoon. They lost and played at
8:00 am on Saturday. This meant that I have been up at 7:00 am the last 3
Saturdays. Not complaining because it has been fun doing it but still...7:00 am on
Saturday morning. It was a little different just sitting back and being a fan. A big fan
of women's curling. Something I'm not always use to as I'm either playing or
organizing something. Once again I really enjoyed being in Weyburn with a very
different group this time.
So Saturday I drove to Assiniboia from Weyburn for another Speak Out session.
This again was faced with driving very slow on very icy roads. I was trying to decide
if I should just drive home or keep going. Keep going was the best plan as I was
driving out of a storm and not into one. I must say this was the best class I have
had and once again I really enjoyed it.
So yeah...winter storm, curling, hockey, bad winter roads and keeping warm with
those you care about. How typically Saskatchewan can you get. As tacky as our
centennial slogan is true that the world can use a little more Saskatchewan.
Ok I'll get off my soapbox now....what can I say I'm happy and feel like
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Finally a chance to post on my so called life. Does the fact that January is super
busy regarding work and life count. After all I do need my play time. I was reading
another blog and they listed the commonalties of bloggers. This include a) single
people...b) people with loved ones far away....c) political savvy people...d) people
with lots of times on their hands and e) people with an ax to grind. None of these fit
me right now...however that is no excuse.
So Uncle Scott got to see his baby nephew. A big family moment in Saskatoon.
We had a little glitch as he had to be moved to Saskatoon due to a little jaundice
but no problems. Actually saved me from driving 4 more hours in sub-artic
conditions. Ok life is different now. Really different. One more person at the more person to love and one more person to play with. I never wanted
to hold another baby quite like this.
In other news dating life is going well. I have a friend who just bolted off to Quebec
City and all he wanted to know about was my love life. He always says it is none of
his business but he still asks. Simple put I said is was very good. If you thought I
was a curling fan before...well it is now escalated. Maroon 5's Sunday Morning
rings true.
Ok lets flip to the other side of the coin...I have had a little bad luck....first my shoe
lace in my favourite shoes broke...then I woke up Monday morning to water in the
basement and a shot water heater. That sucks....especially when it is -30 outside.
As you may tell I'm quite excited about life and I may have a new running
destination. Nothing quite as big as the last one but how does a run in the
mountains at Mt. Rushmore in the States sound. It is in October and sounds like
fun. Have a crew to go as well. I told me family that I will be running in Saskatoon
on May 29 and they were excited to cheer me on. I had no idea the benefits that
my training has on all other aspects of my life. news is I have another fan in the world. New pics have been added.
busy regarding work and life count. After all I do need my play time. I was reading
another blog and they listed the commonalties of bloggers. This include a) single
people...b) people with loved ones far away....c) political savvy people...d) people
with lots of times on their hands and e) people with an ax to grind. None of these fit
me right now...however that is no excuse.
So Uncle Scott got to see his baby nephew. A big family moment in Saskatoon.
We had a little glitch as he had to be moved to Saskatoon due to a little jaundice
but no problems. Actually saved me from driving 4 more hours in sub-artic
conditions. Ok life is different now. Really different. One more person at the more person to love and one more person to play with. I never wanted
to hold another baby quite like this.

In other news dating life is going well. I have a friend who just bolted off to Quebec
City and all he wanted to know about was my love life. He always says it is none of
his business but he still asks. Simple put I said is was very good. If you thought I
was a curling fan before...well it is now escalated. Maroon 5's Sunday Morning
rings true.
Ok lets flip to the other side of the coin...I have had a little bad luck....first my shoe
lace in my favourite shoes broke...then I woke up Monday morning to water in the
basement and a shot water heater. That sucks....especially when it is -30 outside.
As you may tell I'm quite excited about life and I may have a new running
destination. Nothing quite as big as the last one but how does a run in the
mountains at Mt. Rushmore in the States sound. It is in October and sounds like
fun. Have a crew to go as well. I told me family that I will be running in Saskatoon
on May 29 and they were excited to cheer me on. I had no idea the benefits that
my training has on all other aspects of my life. news is I have another fan in the world. New pics have been added.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Karma Gods
Karma Gods
Do good things come to those who wait. Do the Karma gods come out and play.
Why is it that someone else has the final spoke to your wheel. Ok here I go. I think it is true that good things happen to good people but you have no idea how much patience pays off. I remember 1995 when Radiohead was playing followed by
Prodigy. I think it was Dennis Leary on tv saying save your money on Prodigy and
by some Radiohead. Wow was he right. The Bends and Ok Computer head are amazing still today. How did this come up...well a little song called Karma Police. Is this what I get when I mess with them....if so I did something right. Life is rewarding me right now from all spokes my wheel.
See being indifferent in life is a problem. You need to care about something. Don't you hate when people are in the I don't care position. You have to care about
something. This way you stay connected with the world and the world stays connected to you. After all we basically are all the same people here. We start the same and end the same it is the middle that matters. Life is funny as all things. If you go into life with a finished project in mind you will fail. Things change as they should. Change is a very good thing. Go with it enjoy the sunshine and learn from the clouds. The only thing that stays the same is that nothing stays the same.
Ok that's all I have to say....I need to start my car in a blizzard and apparently it is -45 outside with the windchill. Good thing I have something to warm me up tonight.
Do good things come to those who wait. Do the Karma gods come out and play.
Why is it that someone else has the final spoke to your wheel. Ok here I go. I think it is true that good things happen to good people but you have no idea how much patience pays off. I remember 1995 when Radiohead was playing followed by
Prodigy. I think it was Dennis Leary on tv saying save your money on Prodigy and
by some Radiohead. Wow was he right. The Bends and Ok Computer head are amazing still today. How did this come up...well a little song called Karma Police. Is this what I get when I mess with them....if so I did something right. Life is rewarding me right now from all spokes my wheel.
See being indifferent in life is a problem. You need to care about something. Don't you hate when people are in the I don't care position. You have to care about
something. This way you stay connected with the world and the world stays connected to you. After all we basically are all the same people here. We start the same and end the same it is the middle that matters. Life is funny as all things. If you go into life with a finished project in mind you will fail. Things change as they should. Change is a very good thing. Go with it enjoy the sunshine and learn from the clouds. The only thing that stays the same is that nothing stays the same.
Ok that's all I have to say....I need to start my car in a blizzard and apparently it is -45 outside with the windchill. Good thing I have something to warm me up tonight.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
What a weekend....Friday was super..bowling, drinks and darts. Saturday did not go to the went much better and this was all on top of having a nephew. Only way to sum it is with a little Blur:
I got my head checked
By a jumbo jet
It wasn't easy
But nothing is
When I feel heavy metal
And I'm pins and I'm needles
Well, I lie and I'm easy
All of the time
But I'm never sure
Why I need you
Pleased to meet you
I got my head done
When I was young
It's not my problem
It's not my problem
When I feel heavy metal
And I'm pins and I'm needles
Well, I lie and I'm easy
All of the time
But I'm never sure
Why I need you
Pleased to meet you
I got my head checked
By a jumbo jet
It wasn't easy
But nothing is
When I feel heavy metal
And I'm pins and I'm needles
Well, I lie and I'm easy
All of the time
But I'm never sure
Why I need you
Pleased to meet you
I got my head done
When I was young
It's not my problem
It's not my problem
When I feel heavy metal
And I'm pins and I'm needles
Well, I lie and I'm easy
All of the time
But I'm never sure
Why I need you
Pleased to meet you
Friday, January 07, 2005
I'm Uncle Scooter
My sister finally called. Braden Daniel born at 11:04 am January 7, 2005. 8 pounds 1 ounce. Mom and son are doing just fine.
Let the baby playtime begin!
Let the baby playtime begin!
My sister was induced yesterday at 7:30 am and still no baby....just alot of walking around in the hospital. Nothing to be worried about but still waiting for the phone to ring. No big brother jokes here....hello protective big brother.
Merry Ukrainian Christmas everyone!
Merry Ukrainian Christmas everyone!
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
It's a Canadian Thing
Well I’m all tingly and proud to be a Canadian today. Why….well the base of all Canadian pride, honor and unity….hockey. Finally after 7 years our Junior team won gold. Not only one but dominated the tournament. Can you believe that we were never behind for any of the 6 games. Maybe this means more than ever due to the fact that I have not watch a hockey game from the drop of the puck to the final buzzer since August’s World Cup. O’ Canada. Also sweet to kick the crap out of the Russians after showboating against their win against the States. Favorite lines....those guys were going down like free beer at a frat party and Team Canada....fueled by Canadian Beef. Ahhh a glimpse of what it means to be a Canadian.
In other news here is my horoscope today. I don’t usually read these but I did today. I like it!
You feel playful, saucy and flirtatious. You want to have fun – and why not? Express your creative talents in any way you can. You don’t have to pretend to be what you are not.
Consider it done!
In other news here is my horoscope today. I don’t usually read these but I did today. I like it!
You feel playful, saucy and flirtatious. You want to have fun – and why not? Express your creative talents in any way you can. You don’t have to pretend to be what you are not.
Consider it done!
Monday, January 03, 2005
Perfect Day?
Yesterday could of been on of the best days I have had in a while.
Started with calling everyone I could think of which include family, Newfoundland and Ireland.
Well see I did not have a date for New Years but we had one for yesterday. Success! We basically spent the entire day together. Started off with swimming. She had the lifeguards checking her out and they made a comment to me and then watched with envy. This was followed by me cooking a "yummy meal" (not my words) followed by pool in the basement and watching Hockey and a movie.
Life is good.
Started with calling everyone I could think of which include family, Newfoundland and Ireland.
Well see I did not have a date for New Years but we had one for yesterday. Success! We basically spent the entire day together. Started off with swimming. She had the lifeguards checking her out and they made a comment to me and then watched with envy. This was followed by me cooking a "yummy meal" (not my words) followed by pool in the basement and watching Hockey and a movie.
Life is good.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Happy New Years
Well New Years again and from New Years past here is my unofficial position on New sucks. Why you ask well here is my list:
What to do is always a problems and everyone goes everywhere
Everything costs more for the same thing
$5.00 drinks
It is always cold and blizzardy
Getting a cab is impossible
$10 - $20 tickets of cover is not made up by a hat and horn
That kiss at midnight
Knowing the above and still going out
My history of bad New Years
The morning after
Well my position has changed. I had a great New Years. A night of spontaneity. House party, calling friends turned into a great night at bobbies with good friends and a great band. One drink turned into a few and the best part was taking the bus home. A little weirdness back at the house but nothing like waking up at a friends with crease marks on your face from a corduroy pillow.
Then to compliment a good New Years, New Year Day was super with great friends, dice and fantastic meal. So far 2005 is heading in the right direction.
What to do is always a problems and everyone goes everywhere
Everything costs more for the same thing
$5.00 drinks
It is always cold and blizzardy
Getting a cab is impossible
$10 - $20 tickets of cover is not made up by a hat and horn
That kiss at midnight
Knowing the above and still going out
My history of bad New Years
The morning after
Well my position has changed. I had a great New Years. A night of spontaneity. House party, calling friends turned into a great night at bobbies with good friends and a great band. One drink turned into a few and the best part was taking the bus home. A little weirdness back at the house but nothing like waking up at a friends with crease marks on your face from a corduroy pillow.
Then to compliment a good New Years, New Year Day was super with great friends, dice and fantastic meal. So far 2005 is heading in the right direction.