Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Finally a chance to post on my so called life. Does the fact that January is super
busy regarding work and life count. After all I do need my play time. I was reading
another blog and they listed the commonalties of bloggers. This include a) single
people...b) people with loved ones far away....c) political savvy people...d) people
with lots of times on their hands and e) people with an ax to grind. None of these fit
me right now...however that is no excuse.
So Uncle Scott got to see his baby nephew. A big family moment in Saskatoon.
We had a little glitch as he had to be moved to Saskatoon due to a little jaundice
but no problems. Actually saved me from driving 4 more hours in sub-artic
conditions. Ok life is different now. Really different. One more person at the
table...one more person to love and one more person to play with. I never wanted
to hold another baby quite like this.
In other news dating life is going well. I have a friend who just bolted off to Quebec
City and all he wanted to know about was my love life. He always says it is none of
his business but he still asks. Simple put I said is was very good. If you thought I
was a curling fan before...well it is now escalated. Maroon 5's Sunday Morning
rings true.
Ok lets flip to the other side of the coin...I have had a little bad luck....first my shoe
lace in my favourite shoes broke...then I woke up Monday morning to water in the
basement and a shot water heater. That sucks....especially when it is -30 outside.
As you may tell I'm quite excited about life and I may have a new running
destination. Nothing quite as big as the last one but how does a run in the
mountains at Mt. Rushmore in the States sound. It is in October and sounds like
fun. Have a crew to go as well. I told me family that I will be running in Saskatoon
on May 29 and they were excited to cheer me on. I had no idea the benefits that
my training has on all other aspects of my life.
Yeah.....best news is I have another fan in the world. New pics have been added.
busy regarding work and life count. After all I do need my play time. I was reading
another blog and they listed the commonalties of bloggers. This include a) single
people...b) people with loved ones far away....c) political savvy people...d) people
with lots of times on their hands and e) people with an ax to grind. None of these fit
me right now...however that is no excuse.
So Uncle Scott got to see his baby nephew. A big family moment in Saskatoon.
We had a little glitch as he had to be moved to Saskatoon due to a little jaundice
but no problems. Actually saved me from driving 4 more hours in sub-artic
conditions. Ok life is different now. Really different. One more person at the
table...one more person to love and one more person to play with. I never wanted
to hold another baby quite like this.

In other news dating life is going well. I have a friend who just bolted off to Quebec
City and all he wanted to know about was my love life. He always says it is none of
his business but he still asks. Simple put I said is was very good. If you thought I
was a curling fan before...well it is now escalated. Maroon 5's Sunday Morning
rings true.
Ok lets flip to the other side of the coin...I have had a little bad luck....first my shoe
lace in my favourite shoes broke...then I woke up Monday morning to water in the
basement and a shot water heater. That sucks....especially when it is -30 outside.
As you may tell I'm quite excited about life and I may have a new running
destination. Nothing quite as big as the last one but how does a run in the
mountains at Mt. Rushmore in the States sound. It is in October and sounds like
fun. Have a crew to go as well. I told me family that I will be running in Saskatoon
on May 29 and they were excited to cheer me on. I had no idea the benefits that
my training has on all other aspects of my life.
Yeah.....best news is I have another fan in the world. New pics have been added.
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