Sunday, January 29, 2006
Weekend Deal
I can summarize this weekend very simply. It was me versus the flu.
Negotation is only achieved when both sides feel like they were screwed. I giveth the weekend for my health. Works for me but I still feel screwed. I guess it worked.
Not sure about being healthy for a Monday morning though. Not sure if that was part of the deal.
Negotation is only achieved when both sides feel like they were screwed. I giveth the weekend for my health. Works for me but I still feel screwed. I guess it worked.
Not sure about being healthy for a Monday morning though. Not sure if that was part of the deal.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
I'm in Love
Yes it has happened and it feels wonderful. She make me so happy and every night I can't wait to get into bed. Ohh the feelings I feel and the love that I have when I jump into bed. I feel so warm and she makes my stress disappear. Those long and dark winter nights vanish like a candle in the wind. I'm getting giddy just thinking about it. Who would of thought that such pleasure can be had with three easy clicks....Yes that is right I'm in love with my electric blanket. What did you thought I meant?
Since Christmas we have had the electric blanket in the bed and like I said, I love it. Highly recommend you go out and get one for this sad winter days. I mean it. There is no better feeling that crawling into a warm bed and feeling at peace. Plus it has the added benefit of removing cold feet. Now I must state that it is not my cold feet that have disappeared but the cold feel of my sweet next to me. Now come on all you women out, there how many times have you taken your cold feet and warmed them up against a guy. Worst feeling in the world is having your sweets cold feet against you as you are trying to sleep. Any man lucky enough to have a wonderful women next to them is helpless and accepts this in the game of life and love. Well the wonder of electric heat is a miracle. 10 minutes of REM and I am out.
Well it's been 5 minutes since my three clicks and my warm bed is ready.
Since Christmas we have had the electric blanket in the bed and like I said, I love it. Highly recommend you go out and get one for this sad winter days. I mean it. There is no better feeling that crawling into a warm bed and feeling at peace. Plus it has the added benefit of removing cold feet. Now I must state that it is not my cold feet that have disappeared but the cold feel of my sweet next to me. Now come on all you women out, there how many times have you taken your cold feet and warmed them up against a guy. Worst feeling in the world is having your sweets cold feet against you as you are trying to sleep. Any man lucky enough to have a wonderful women next to them is helpless and accepts this in the game of life and love. Well the wonder of electric heat is a miracle. 10 minutes of REM and I am out.
Well it's been 5 minutes since my three clicks and my warm bed is ready.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Making a Note
Ok right this down....don't plan to do anything in January. This last week has been crazy and it is already the middle of January! I guess this would be the reason for lack of posting. Between travel and spending all my free time at Curling rinks my sleep has taken a hit. It is funny because all these exercise or time management people say you can make time....that is right you can but you need to subtract it from your sleep. Good news is I love what I am doing that keeps me busy. I could spend all day watching curling or meeting about Winter Games. I think I would sleep easier if I didn't have a presentation on Tuesday in Regina but I can do this with relative ease.
Well at least we know have a White Christmas....make that a White Ukranian Christmas.
Ok I just have one rant about the snow. What is it with all these people that shovel the snow from the driveway into the middle of the street. I mean you still have to drive through it and instead of going north south just go east west and shovel it into your yard. Your grass will thank you. I think it is funny to do all this work and they leave it in the middle of the road and then the plow puts it right on your sidewalk after is it full of sand and salt. Do yourself a favour and turn 90 degres.
Well at least we know have a White Christmas....make that a White Ukranian Christmas.
Ok I just have one rant about the snow. What is it with all these people that shovel the snow from the driveway into the middle of the street. I mean you still have to drive through it and instead of going north south just go east west and shovel it into your yard. Your grass will thank you. I think it is funny to do all this work and they leave it in the middle of the road and then the plow puts it right on your sidewalk after is it full of sand and salt. Do yourself a favour and turn 90 degres.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
A loss and a tie
Man ever since January started life has been busy. I mean I know that is was going to be busy but I have 4 meeting this week at night and a huge professional presentation next week. Insane but I can handle it of course. I totally lost yesterday, lets say life - 5 -Scooter - No Score. It seems like everyone was in a bad mood and everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Luckily I can handle stress unlike a few of my employees. What really sucks is being the person to get yelled at when it is 100% not your fault but a wrong place wrong time thing. However I had another example of Karma. I had a lady call me yell at me and then hang up before I could even say anything. Later that day she showed up at my office to apologize. It must of burned in her stomach all day that she had to apologize in person. That is something that I am not use to at all. As for today...Well it was a tie.
The road to success always has construction.
The road to success always has construction.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
One Way Motor Way

Happy New Year!
That is right I go one way and that road always leads to a good time. New Years was lots of fun. The rye did not take over like a few weeks ago but it was still rock n roll. The band played awesome and I nailed my special guest singer appearance. Times Like These rocked and I actually sounded pretty good after seeing the video. No new career but it sure makes me want to buy a guitar. I had four dates for New Years but there was my one and only there for the coveted New Years Eve kiss. Everything I hated about New Year in the past was gone, expensive, what to do, who to be with, drinking, the morning after, getting a cab and trying to figure out were the hell your friends are. All gone this year. Like I said in earlier post I'm growing up whether I like it or not.
I am a new day rising