
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

4 days 

What a wonderful long weekend. Why you ask? Well basically I did nothing. It was great to do nothing together. Did so much wedding stuff, I'm on cruise control. Went to a movie, cooked a great meal and did wow does the yard look great. This combined with a 30km run on Monday and boom 4 day vacation at home.

So the 30 km was pretty hard. Started off ok but it was hot so that kinda kicked in about 26km and I had to take it easy at the end. My sweet rode here bike with me and I was able to stay hydrated. Pretty much the hardest k's I have everydone including my marathon. Looking forward to the taper pace of training and going hardcore in the next 5 weeks.

However I must state this watching TV....what the heck is the movie snakes on planes about. Is this really true? Has hollywood totally blanked with ideas? I'm not sure but really Snakes on Planes? How did that ever make it to the big screen?

I sticking with Rockstar Supernova right now. I cheering for the Canadian Lukas again!

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