
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Questions for the Recording Academy 

Thoughts on the Grammy’s Last Night

What the heck is the difference between Record of the Year and Song of the Year? How did Mimi make it into both for the same song if it is a different Category? How can you introduce Bruce Springsteen as a Fold singer and then give him a Grammy for Rock performance? How does Jay-Z and Linkin Park win a Grammy in 2006 for a song two years old? Please explain the difference between a short form music video and a long form music video? Why not just call it what it is one is a Music Video and one is a documentary. It is not a long music video when the band starts talking. A finally I love Stevie Wonder (heck we were Spinning to Superstition last night) but I can’t define him as a Pop Singer. Just call it best male vocal performance. I guess this is the trouble with the world today, or should I say the beauty of the word. Art cannot be defined in a category, Music is a personal state of mind.

However they did get it right with Green Day, U2, Kanye West, Kelly Clarkson and Maroon 5 winning. Read the lyrics first and then listen to the song. Powerful stuff.

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