
Monday, December 12, 2005

Signs you are growing up 

1. You actually tune into to talk radio.
2. You know what channel the weather network is.
3. You depend less on cabs because there actually is a responsible driver in the group.
4. The lyrics to Country music actually make sense and you can relate to the heartbreak or love song.
5. Punk music sounds like a bunch of whinny teenagers complaining about how rough life is on them.
6. R&B and rap music now sample all the music of your youth.
7. You realize that Vanna White is still doing Wheel of Fortune.
8. You go to the mountains to ski and not snowboard.
9. The word Diet Coke enters your vocabulary.
10. Napping replaces sleeping in.
11. Cardio workout replaces all night dancing
12. You can actually cook something in the oven and not in the microwave
13. Life starts to make sense and you realize it has quite a sense of humour

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