
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Alternative Medicine and the Simple Life 

In the last little while it seems that I have been home less and less. Between road trips, training and meetings, I’m not sure what happened in the last two weeks. This weekend is mine to waste the way I want it and I’m looking forward to that. I remember a while ago when someone would ask me to do something or to go out, I always said, “well I guess so as I have no excuse to say no.” That has all changed. I now have all kinds of reasons to say no. I like that. It gives me something and someone to look forward to everyday.

Ok now that I got that out of the way, what a weekend I had. I was going to be a quite and relaxing weekend. Like I said it was suppose to be a relaxing weekend but it turned into much more. In a good way too. We went to Regina again this weekend. The big ticket item was that we had our feet “cleansed.” Now I was a little skeptical of this. Had no idea what to expect. So we get there and put our feet in water. Then some electronic ion created a current in the water to attract all the “bad stuff” in your body. My sweet went first and the water turned orange and had some floaties in it. I like hmmmm ok that looks like a rust battery. Then I went in and it was very gross. The water turned orange, green and black with all kinds of floaties and scum in the water. All this from my feet! Apparently I need to clean my gallbladder and my liver. So my first experience with natural medicine was interesting to say the least.

This lead to a shopping spree for new shoes. I tried a different brand and this was a mistake. I will be going back to what I started with. I guess a life lesson is to try new things but stick to the tried and true.

The other big even this weekend was we went to the farm. Yes we. First time to meet my parents. Now most of the time this would be in a nice relaxing environment, over supper or at an event of some kind right? Nope not this weekend. Went home to do cattle. Yes, chase, short, brand, eartag and vaccinate about 150 cattle. We actually missed all the work on Saturday but Sunday was a full day. So to say the least this went very well and opened up an entire different appreciation for her. Now it not like she is not use to this as it happens at her farm every year too but still, very good.

So like I said it was busy and getting home Sunday at 11:00 pm with sunburns and a long drive proved to wear us out. Hence this weekend is mine.

I think I just found a new finish line.

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