
Friday, October 15, 2004

Time is on your side 

Sometimes the stars refuse to shine. What can we do about it? Not much. Same thing in life when we worry about things that we can’t really control. We still do worry though. Worrying is as productive as sawing sawdust but at least it gives us something to do. A coping mechanism to battle the impossible fight? It gets me thinking that fate is a huge part of life. We react to life but the things we can’t control we leave to fate to look after us. Just a thought. Maybe Alfred E Newman had is right all along with “What, me worry?” So many sports vs life comparisons. We can’t control what happens just prepare and react.

This weekend is turning out to be so full that I wish I was not so busy. That is all gonna change when I get back from my trip. Speaking of that I figured out all my travel arrangements, have my cash all in line and thank god the passport office is no longer on strike so I can pick that up on Monday. I’m headed to Watrous for a conference. A big learning op but also a big party. Once again I will be tempted to indulge but being so close to the race I’m good. Once more short run and then it is rest rest rest.

Life really is like a box of chocolates. I want the green mint rider pride one!

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