
Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Colour the World 

Last night I was colour for a fastball game on the radio. It was great. Just talking about the game giving my opinions and working with the radio. If you can believe it they even gave $20.00 for talking about fastball. Then another win to make us 6-0.

So to add another feather in my hat, talking to my hair dresser friend and she said the girls at the salon were checking me out the other day when I went for lunch.

So my blog throws me for a loop every now and then. I talk to people and they know what is going on in my life and I have not actually talked to them. A neat feeling that people are interested in my life. What's new with me, well lets see, duathalon on sunday, training for a half marathon, ball team is undefeated and doing color on the radio. No way you will hear nothing new with me. Best part is I don't have to talk about the weather or work.

Tune in next time for more compelling stories and your daily dose of play at this site.

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