
Tuesday, February 10, 2004


I feel like my old self right now. Last night was great at pool as everyone was there and we had some great conversation. We are also building up to the weekend. I am so sick of Valentines Day ads. How come every guy needs to buy a gift but the women are just objects of desire or appreciation. Not sure but no need to worry about that right now....

Trust the key component to a relationship. No matter what the context is with out trust you will never know if it is the perfect relationship. I am losing trust in my relationship right now. This may be that I have not heard from her in two weeks but also that i'm begining to feel that the trust of being their for each other is fading.

Move on....ok that makes sense, after all what happened to me was very mean and suprising, why do I want this back? I'm not by all means a charity case and need to hang on to everything I have. I have so much to offer so why worry. No way not me...move on. Flip this around and think about this. If she figures out what she wants she will is willing to committe and trust is restored. Will this happen? Only time will tell. Right now the heavy heart of worry has dissappeared. All aboard train destined unknown, get off of taking a break train.

Must admit my pool skills are much better, but i still need just a bit more to finish players off. I'm almost thinking to much and that is becoming a problem. I just need to use the force, the might pool gods force, to help me along.

Well forcast is for a blizzard today. Well see how it turns out. Why is it that the weather holds a string to your emotions? I never learned that in anatomy.

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