
Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Something More 

Woh, as in a Nemo woh. Blizzard part two around here and no one is going no were today. Kinda like me I guess. Made some small steps to reestablish communication but only with email....kinda get the feeling things are better but we are no longer on the same path. So my week of professional development is being postponed by all this weather. Two meetings cancelled and many fires to be put out around here.

Today is a HUGE day here and a day I am so looking forward to. No smoking in public places. No more smoke in the bars or resturants. Fantastic for me and my friends.

I woke up at 2:00 am today and have no idea why. Maybe I was dreaming something and had to flee. All I can say is that exercise is wonderful. If exercise was a pill it would be the number one prescription given by doctors. I still have a vision of running this summer. I'm making great strides to it. 2003 was the best year so I need something to look forward to in 2004. I will look forward to me this year if nothing else.

Listened to Train yesterday and Something more so caught my attention because it is how I am feeling. Dealing with a "lost soul" is not my idea of a great relationship......

And someday you will see
All the more you want
All the more you'll need me
All the while I'll be on to something more
And all the more you want
All the more you'll need me
All the while I want something more
I want something more
I want something more than this

So in the meantime the play factor pill is highlighted, after all after every blizzard there is beauty as things settle down. Maybe I have something more, maybe my angel has arrived, she just needs to find her wings..... Hope, the human hug.

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