
Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Funny Thing 

Today just an ordinary day. Then roadtrip out to the prairie small town. Great meeting and great feed back. Ate too many cookies and to much coffee. Afterward a nice drink at, were else, Bobby's Place. Funny thing is why do we acquire a taste for things? It's not like we try them and like them the first time at all. What is the appeal, do we have some kind of switch? For example I find it hard to believe that the first taste of beer you took you actually liked. I mean come one, it is not the best tasting thing to start with but after a while we love the taste of it. Same with other alcohol or smoking. No way can you tell me that the first time someone tried a cigarette they actually enjoyed it. After coughing and turning green they kept it up why. Somethings just have some kinda control over us. What is that all about. If you have a bad meal you don't keep eating it or ordering/cook it again do you weird. Chocolate, sugar and sweets are just perfect right from the start, this makes sense with addictions but I never thought about "acquired tastes" until I had a conversation with it over a pint.

funny thing isn't it....maybe that is what happens with to much sugar and coffee. the mind begins to wonder...a healthy thing if you ask me.

playtime alert..............anger is only one letter away from danger!

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