
Saturday, February 07, 2004

A feather in my hat 

Make a few phone calls and you will be suprised what happens. The word is out that I am fun. No shocking relation to me however but still a feather in my hat. So last night, a friend who I have not gone out with for a while had to decide does she come out with us or does she go for coffee with her other friends that would not be going out with us. Decision made on, what else, fun and play factor. Score one to play as she came out with us.

Bobby's place is a definite lust for me as the old world with import beer is so appealing. It adds the art of class and eligance that is not found on River Street. The Rockin Royale ahhh, playtime, the band was great and the 80's metal never ever goes out of style especially with anykind of fireworks. I did enjoy myself with my friends however I still have to admit I am missing my girl. Conversation revolved around the fact that there is something to be said about life when you know you are loved. Yes there is, yes there is.

Ok so back to my feather in my hat. Found out that I am a good kisser. Hmmm really, found this out from a conversation from and event over 2 years ago, but these statements still remain to this day. Funny thing is I don't really want anyone else right now to have a chance to find out. Still the more I talk to people the better I feel and learn about myself. Hey the hardest thing for a fish to understand is that it lives in water. Think about that for a while and then look in the mirror.

So when I got home, there was a message on the phone from someone who has not called me in a long time. I'm beginning to feel that I will always be loved. So my day will consist of whatever I want to do. Not a bad thing but not necessary a good thing either. Score today a tie

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